정치,경제,사회,건강,음식,여행,자연 등 15가지 토픽을 선정하여 그날의 주요기사 요약 정리 및 논평 추가

  • (theme-32, 27) Let's talk about personality
    Let's talk about all the theme 2023. 6. 9. 12:56

    1. Please describe yourself in three key words or sentences ?

    If there's a field I like, I tend to work hard passionately. On the one hand, I am affectionate, but in some ways, I get tired of it. Personally I think my blood type is AB, so that's why I got that personality. I have a personality of blood type A and B. Blood type A is a type of person who knows only one thing and tries hard, but type B has a lot of affection, but it's easy to change


    2. Do you think people's personalities can be changed ?

    I think the underlying personality is hard to change, but the incidental personality can be changed. I don't think it's possible to change the genetic fundamentals given to me by my parents. However, some peripheral personalities can be changed little by little through religious activities or books. There's a saying like this, Don't try to change the world, you have to change yourself


    3. Is there a person or event that helped shape who you are present ?

    In the past, I was the youngest, so I didn't know how to look around. I had a lot of good things, but I had some selfish sides. As my first son went to the army, I read a mass book and wrote meditation for my son every day. The Catholic daily mass book changed my mind. Through the book I was able to compose myself and reflect on myself. The words of the Bible seem to speak of the true world of the mind, free from the matter of the world


    4. Which is better ? growing up in a good home environment but poor or growing up rich but in a bad home environment ?

    I think it's good to grow up in a good home environment even if it's poor. Even if they are financially poor, if they are rich in heart, they can live positively and brightly in this tough world. But on the contrary, no mather how rich they are economically, if they are poor at heart, they will able to live a lfie that only you know negatively. In conclusion the mind is more important than the material, and it can shine more even if they go into the world


    5. What makes you happy ?

    I think there are many factors that make me happy. First of all, I'm going to create creative ideas, open up my opinions, and let the readers express their satisfaction with themselves. When I feel satisfied through five senses, I am also happy. When I eat delicious food, and see beautiful nature, and smell fragrant flowers and hear a clear sound, I feel happy. And these days, I feel so happy when I can hear English well


    6. What makes you angry ?

    The reason that upset me is that I feel fundamentally ignored. I texted him on kakaotalk but he didn't answer or he didn't answer when I called him. Of course, there are cases where he can't do it because he is busy or because he's embarrssed to answer. Anyway, I usually get angry, when I'm ignored. The next thing I get angry when the other person doesn't meet my expectations


    7. Do you have a way to find your own emotional stability ?

    When I'm angry, It seems time is the most important thing to find emotional stability. As the old testament says, this will pass as well. When I get angry, it doesn't heal right away, and it takes about a day to heal my wounds of my mind. It takes time to heal a wound of the mind like a physical wound. And in order to heal my wounds quickly, I buy books or go shopping to make me forget my feelings. Therefore the healing of the mind is reduced by half a day


    8. What do you like ?

    I feel pleasure when I establish new values and share them with others or when I realize new knowledge. Knowledge and a desire for the worldview or values that are created there seems to me to be important. Through my main article and humanities blog, various world events and knowledge and various derived from it make me exist in the world. And I admire and enjoy the beauty of nature


    9. What are your strengths ?

    My strength is that I have a lot of passion and I try steadily. Now I do my favorite humanities blog, but I've been doing it for nearly three years because I'm also passionate  And I'm more affectionate than others, so I like meeting, so I am in charge of arranging things


    10. How can you combine your likes and strengths ?

    By combining my constant effort with my passion and the pursuit of knowledge that I like With my likes, I first wrote a humanities book for my son. At the recommedation of my nephew, I was able to blog, and I proudly achieved 200,000 in 27 months as a humanities blog. As such the results are humanities books and blog as the combination of the advantages and likes


    11.  How do you want to spend the rest of your life ?

    My wish is to develope a few students who shares humanities blog knowledge and values based on English. My other wish is to set up a private academy next to Culcom and make room for my students. I want to spend my whole life discussing various field such as polics, economy, and society in English and writing my humanities blog. How exciting it would be to live my whole life with new knowledge in humanities


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